Missions Minute - Barb Dunbar (March 6, 2025)

Barb has been very busy the past few months with finishing her biblical counseling, end-of-the-year reflections, and mapping out the upcoming 2025 year. There is another advanced training this year, and please pray for the current students in the advanced Biblical training courses this year. Pray that God would lead more students to attend these trainings in the future so they may be trained to bring God's word to others. Also, pray for instructors for the courses throughout the year. Barb is not so involved this year as last year, but the prayer for these students and instructors remains the same.

Barb has had a busy and productive year and saw the ministries grow. The team that she is on has expanded and now there is a bigger group serving the Osaka Japan area. Barb is going to be stateside for a few months in March and is busy preparing things in Japan for an extended break and preparing things when she is stateside. There are many things to do and prepare for in both Japan and the United States. She asks for prayer that everything will go smoothly and that all who are affected by this will receive peace, grace and understanding.

There are many people (that can't be named specifically for privacy) that she interacts with who have heard the word of Jesus and acknowledge him but are hesitant to form a relationship with him for a variety of reasons. Pray for these people and their hearts. This process takes patience and understanding.  

One of the focuses is high school and middle school students in her area and the partner churches. There is a lot of potential for growing healthy youth ministries in Japan, but few churches or pastors here have seen one to model effectively. Pray for vision, openness to new ideas, and change.
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