Daily Reading:
Hebrews 6
Don't forget to journal in your Foundations Book!
Hebrews 6
Don't forget to journal in your Foundations Book!
Daily Reading Audio Commentary:
Today's Question or Action Step:
How can you make the pursuit of spiritual growth and knowing Jesus better the highest priority in your life today? How will you rely on His grace to do so? What could be the result?
How can you make the pursuit of spiritual growth and knowing Jesus better the highest priority in your life today? How will you rely on His grace to do so? What could be the result?
Weekly Memory Verse(s):
OPTION 1: Psalm 63:1
OPTION 2: Proverbs 19:21
OPTION 3: Matthew 6:16-18
OPTION 1: Psalm 63:1
OPTION 2: Proverbs 19:21
OPTION 3: Matthew 6:16-18
Further Study Resources:
Study Guide for Hebrews 6 (Enduring Word - David Guzik)
Study Guide for Hebrews 6 (Enduring Word - David Guzik)
Pastor Tom's Journal on Today's Reading:
Hebrews 6:1-8
There is great danger in remaining spiritually immature and the writer of Hebrews wanted to warn his readers; furthermore, he challenged them to become spiritually mature in their faith, reject dead works, and embrace Jesus Christ (6:1). It appears that the readers also had great misunderstandings about numerous issues, especially those which found their basis (faith) in Old Testament rituals (6:2). God was the only one who would be able to assist them in their spiritual maturity if they would only believe the revelation which He had already given (6:3). Verse 4 begins a highly debated passage of scripture which many people use to support the loss of salvation to those who walk away from their faith. I want to say that I reject this view because salvation is eternal (John 10:27-29) and the passage seems to indicate that if you can lose salvation, you can never get it back ("impossible...to renew them again to repentance"). This view presents salvation as something that has to do more with the individual than the work of Jesus Christ on the cross. My view of Hebrews 6:4-8 is that the writer is speaking to readers who had "experienced" the glories of salvation, but only gave intellectual belief to it's facts instead of also believing with the heart (leads to life change). The words enlightened, tasted, and partakers do not mean that this group of people had experienced salvation; these words indicate that they had been connected with people who were truly saved and as a result experienced by observation. Ultimately the writer was saying that those who reject the finished work of Jesus Christ have no chance of ever being saved from their sin (6:6). Verses 7-8 illustrate the two responses to the Gospel: those who believe with their heart grow (v.7) and those who reject it will experience eternal judgment (v.8).
Hebrews 6:9-19
It appears that the writer of Hebrews changes audiences. In the preceding verses he was speaking to people who had rejected the revelation from Jesus Christ and warns them of the consequences if they failed to fully trust in Him. Now he calls the readers "beloved" which implies that this group of people he was now speaking to were genuine believers. Compared to the last group of people he desires "better things concerning you, yes, things that accompany salvation." Instead of a message of warning, the author provides words of encouragement for them to continue to grow in their faith. He begins by saying that God will not "forget your work and labor of love which you have shown toward His name, in that you have ministered to the saints, and do minister." Although every Christian is tempted to become apathetic, the writer of Hebrews challenges them to "not become sluggish but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises." At times the Christian life becomes tiresome and we may tempted to give up or slow down, but we should continue on realizing that all the benefits of salvation will be discovered in the future (6:12). God made a promise to Abraham that He would make of Him a great nation and although he went through many trials, God was faithful and fulfilled that which He had promised (6:13-15). As God had promised to make from Abraham a great nation, God has promised hope to those who have placed their faith in Him. We may experience trials and hardship, but God is faithful. This hope should encourage us to continue and not give up!
Dear God, I don't want to give up even though things can become difficult. Help me to rely on You for strength and remember You are faithful to fulfill Your promise of hope and deliverance.
Hebrews 6:1-8
There is great danger in remaining spiritually immature and the writer of Hebrews wanted to warn his readers; furthermore, he challenged them to become spiritually mature in their faith, reject dead works, and embrace Jesus Christ (6:1). It appears that the readers also had great misunderstandings about numerous issues, especially those which found their basis (faith) in Old Testament rituals (6:2). God was the only one who would be able to assist them in their spiritual maturity if they would only believe the revelation which He had already given (6:3). Verse 4 begins a highly debated passage of scripture which many people use to support the loss of salvation to those who walk away from their faith. I want to say that I reject this view because salvation is eternal (John 10:27-29) and the passage seems to indicate that if you can lose salvation, you can never get it back ("impossible...to renew them again to repentance"). This view presents salvation as something that has to do more with the individual than the work of Jesus Christ on the cross. My view of Hebrews 6:4-8 is that the writer is speaking to readers who had "experienced" the glories of salvation, but only gave intellectual belief to it's facts instead of also believing with the heart (leads to life change). The words enlightened, tasted, and partakers do not mean that this group of people had experienced salvation; these words indicate that they had been connected with people who were truly saved and as a result experienced by observation. Ultimately the writer was saying that those who reject the finished work of Jesus Christ have no chance of ever being saved from their sin (6:6). Verses 7-8 illustrate the two responses to the Gospel: those who believe with their heart grow (v.7) and those who reject it will experience eternal judgment (v.8).
Hebrews 6:9-19
It appears that the writer of Hebrews changes audiences. In the preceding verses he was speaking to people who had rejected the revelation from Jesus Christ and warns them of the consequences if they failed to fully trust in Him. Now he calls the readers "beloved" which implies that this group of people he was now speaking to were genuine believers. Compared to the last group of people he desires "better things concerning you, yes, things that accompany salvation." Instead of a message of warning, the author provides words of encouragement for them to continue to grow in their faith. He begins by saying that God will not "forget your work and labor of love which you have shown toward His name, in that you have ministered to the saints, and do minister." Although every Christian is tempted to become apathetic, the writer of Hebrews challenges them to "not become sluggish but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises." At times the Christian life becomes tiresome and we may tempted to give up or slow down, but we should continue on realizing that all the benefits of salvation will be discovered in the future (6:12). God made a promise to Abraham that He would make of Him a great nation and although he went through many trials, God was faithful and fulfilled that which He had promised (6:13-15). As God had promised to make from Abraham a great nation, God has promised hope to those who have placed their faith in Him. We may experience trials and hardship, but God is faithful. This hope should encourage us to continue and not give up!
Dear God, I don't want to give up even though things can become difficult. Help me to rely on You for strength and remember You are faithful to fulfill Your promise of hope and deliverance.
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