Missions Minute - Akron Youth Mentorship (February 20, 2025)

This week’s missionary highlight is from Akron Youth Mentorship. Recently, I was able to sit down with Tom Roberts, and was amazed at the work that the Akron Youth Mentorship does to serve students in the greater Akron area. They are doing life-changing work and I hope you will join me in prayer and consider helping them out by donating your time or talents to their ministry.
Akron Youth Mentorship serves the youth of Akron and exists to mentor youth with biblical teaching to make life's eternal, emotional, educational, and occupational decisions. Their pillars of Mentorship, Education, Work readiness, and Experiences help them care for students and foster relationships built on trust between the mentors and mentees.
We are blessed at the Summit Church to have our very own Tom Roberts serve on the board of directors for Akron Youth Mentorship.
Prayer needs:
•  Bowl-To-Bless fundraiser event is coming up on March 8th. The event is still looking for corporate or individual sponsors. If you are interested, please contact Sienna Furno at sienna@akronyouthmentorship.org.
•  AYM is searching for a new executive director.
•  AYM is always looking for volunteers in various areas. They need mentors, tutors, and groups or individuals to commit to serving meals weekly. This may be a good opportunity for your small group or family to serve!
If the Lord is moving you to partner with AYM in any way, please reach out to their team to connect, by visiting their website at https://www.akronyouthmentorship.org.
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