The Way - Day 149 (Hebrews 2)

Daily Reading:
Hebrews 2
Don't forget to journal in your Foundations Book!
Daily Reading Audio Commentary:
Today's Question or Action Step:
How can you use chapters 1 & 2 to share the Gospel with someone this week? How can you do so by sharing the life-changing impact it has had on you first?
Weekly Memory Verse(s):
OPTION 1: Psalm 55:22
OPTION 2: Proverbs 19:17
OPTION 3: Matthew 6:14-15
Further Study Resources:
Study Guide for Hebrews 2 (Enduring Word - David Guzik)
Pastor Tom's Journal on Today's Reading:
Hebrews 2:1-4
In light of the previous verses where the writer is building a case for Jesus Christ being better than the angels (1:4-14), he now informs the reader about the implications of that truth. Because Jesus is better than and superior to the angels, we must pay special attention to the things we have heard through Him (doctrines and teachings of the faith). Failure to believe the foundations of truth will result in a "drifting away." It seems that the intended audience of Hebrews was prone to spiritual apathy so the author gave a warning to hold onto the things that they knew to be true (2:1). Returning to the subject of angels the author was very aware that their ministry was real and very important. The angels accompanied and assisted God in numerous missions which validated their work; furthermore, Galatians 3:19 tells us the angels were involved in bringing the law to the people. The purpose of the law was to expose sin and obviously the angels played a role in this monumental task. Jesus Christ brought a new covenant and provided assurance of eternal life through His death, burial, and resurrection; however, those who reject Jesus' gift will also receive condemnation. Verse 3 says it like this: "how shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation...." In essence the author of Hebrews is saying that Jesus, who delivered salvation, is greater than those who delivered the law (the angels) and those who reject His witness will experience punishment. God also proved that Jesus' message of hope was true through signs and wonders (2:4). The advice is very clear - believe in the truth of Jesus Christ and do not neglect the gift of salvation because His witness if greater than that of the angels!

Hebrews 2:5-9
We have already learned that there were certain people during the time of this writing who felt that angels were greater than Jesus Christ (Messiah). In fact, it seems this group believed that angels would rule during the future millennial kingdom; however, the writer quickly refuted this belief declaring that the "world to come" would not be in "subjection to angels" (2:5). Quoting from Psalm 8 the writer reveals that mankind will have dominion during this time rather than angels (2:6-8). The Psalmist asks why God is concerned about man and why He takes care of him. He goes on to say that man has been made a little lower than the angels, but will (in the millennial kingdom) be "crowned with glory and honor" and will be "set over the work of His hands." Although we wonder why God would even bother with us since we continually disobey Him, God's love surpasses our understanding. God was even willing to send Jesus Christ in human flesh to identify with man and ultimately die to pay the punishment for sin. The writer of Hebrews is quick to say that currently all things are not subject to man, but Jesus was "made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor" so that "He, by the grace of God, might taste death for everyone." Even though Jesus was made a little lower than the angels for a time, His death brought life upon all those who would believe, repenting of sin and receiving God's grace (2:9). Now, Jesus Christ has been given a position of authority and all things are under His rule.

Hebrews 2:10-18
Since man would be ruling in the future millennial kingdom, Jesus Christ was seeking to prepare them for this time; however, first He had to identify with them redeeming them from the penalty of sin (2:10-11). Although Jesus was humiliated and suffered on the cross, God knew that it was necessary in order for redemption to take place and ultimately for man to be glorified in the kingdom. The writer of Hebrews wanted his readers to know that Jesus had done everything to understand how they felt and to pay the price for their sin. Using Psalm 22:2, the writer informed the believers that Jesus now called them brethren indicating that they were His brothers and sisters (2:12-13). Through Jesus' sufferings on the cross He was able "to destroy him who had the power of death, that is, the devil." The writer goes on to say that Jesus' death released "those who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage." Simply put...Jesus' death paid the penalty that man owed, which was death and slavery to sin. Jesus took the punishment for man's sin so that mankind could experience a relationship with God through the work of Jesus Christ. Jesus' sufferings and death brought help to man (2:16) proving that He is merciful and faithful (2:17). In aiding man, Jesus subjected Himself to temptation but never gave into enticement, although now He knows how it feels to be tempted. To me, it means a lot that Jesus was tempted and knows how it feels to be enticed to do evil. Even though He never sinned, He can relate with the pressure we face when confronted with temptation. He is a God who is concerned about man and loves him so much that He desired to put Himself in his place.

Dear God, I know You resisted evil while here on earth. Please provide me with the strength I need to resist evil the way You did.




