Daily Reading:
Hebrews 11
Don't forget to journal in your Foundations Book!
Hebrews 11
Don't forget to journal in your Foundations Book!
Daily Reading Audio Commentary:
Today's Question or Action Step:
With the definition of faith from Hebrews 11 in mind, what is one area of your life where God is calling you to exercise faith? What is one action that is tied to faith in that area of your life?
With the definition of faith from Hebrews 11 in mind, what is one area of your life where God is calling you to exercise faith? What is one action that is tied to faith in that area of your life?
Weekly Memory Verse(s):
OPTION 1: Psalm 67:1-2
OPTION 2: Proverbs 20:1
OPTION 3: Matthew 6:19-21
OPTION 1: Psalm 67:1-2
OPTION 2: Proverbs 20:1
OPTION 3: Matthew 6:19-21
Further Study Resources:
Study Guide for Hebrews 11 (Enduring Word - David Guzik)
Study Guide for Hebrews 11 (Enduring Word - David Guzik)
Pastor Tom's Journal on Today's Reading:
Hebrews 11:1-3
This is a good time to refresh our memories about the purpose and theme of the book of Hebrews...the death of Jesus Christ has forever done away with the Old Testament system of worship (Judaism) and established Him as the perfect sacrifice for sin; therefore, there is no need to continue in this system of works. Many of the Jews believed in the system rather than in the One to whom the law was symbolizing. The writer wanted to remind his readers that salvation was never a result of works but always a product of faith. This brings us to the word faith, which is defined by the writer as "the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Simply put, the writer says that faith is the belief or full assurance of a future reality. Throughout the Bible, men and women have had to trust the promises of God and all of this started with God telling Adam and Eve that He would send someone to deliver them from their sin (Genesis 3:15) and destroy the works of the devil. Although Adam and Eve (as well as many Old Testament saints) did not have the details of how God would make sinners righteous, they trusted that God would keep His promises to do so - this is faith! Faith leads the believer to then act on His faith by entrusting his every decision to God, whom he knows will keep His promises. This is so relevant to the Christian today because we experience many trials and disappointments, but we rest in the fact that heaven (eternity) will more than compensate for the hardships we face on earth.
Hebrews 11:4-40
Hebrews 11 has become known as the list of the great Heroes of the Faith from the Old Testament. Each one mentioned is an example of someone who lived their life by faith; however, it is also important to point out that these people were not perfect. We must stop here and acknowledge that God, in His grace, has chosen to use broken and sinful people to accomplish His will. By saying this I am not trying to cloud their witness, but I want to emphasize the grace of God in the lives of those who have faith in God and live by faith. Instead of examining each person, I want to provide a brief overview of what the writer of Hebrews wanted his readers to understand. The list of these Old Testament saints provides us examples of people who trusted God and acted upon that faith. Their works did not bring righteousness; however, their faith in God evidenced itself in works. Verse 6 says that "without faith it is impossible to please Him" meaning a person must approach God in faith believing "that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." This is not a simple belief in the existence of God, but a faith which evidences itself through righteous actions. As you read the names and a brief description of what each person did, remember that they did not have confidence in themselves, but in the power of God. The same must be true for us. If we have faith in God through His Son, Jesus, we will act in accordance to His Word. Is your faith reflected in your actions?
Dear God, help me to demonstrate my faith through my actions because of my trust in You.
Hebrews 11:1-3
This is a good time to refresh our memories about the purpose and theme of the book of Hebrews...the death of Jesus Christ has forever done away with the Old Testament system of worship (Judaism) and established Him as the perfect sacrifice for sin; therefore, there is no need to continue in this system of works. Many of the Jews believed in the system rather than in the One to whom the law was symbolizing. The writer wanted to remind his readers that salvation was never a result of works but always a product of faith. This brings us to the word faith, which is defined by the writer as "the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Simply put, the writer says that faith is the belief or full assurance of a future reality. Throughout the Bible, men and women have had to trust the promises of God and all of this started with God telling Adam and Eve that He would send someone to deliver them from their sin (Genesis 3:15) and destroy the works of the devil. Although Adam and Eve (as well as many Old Testament saints) did not have the details of how God would make sinners righteous, they trusted that God would keep His promises to do so - this is faith! Faith leads the believer to then act on His faith by entrusting his every decision to God, whom he knows will keep His promises. This is so relevant to the Christian today because we experience many trials and disappointments, but we rest in the fact that heaven (eternity) will more than compensate for the hardships we face on earth.
Hebrews 11:4-40
Hebrews 11 has become known as the list of the great Heroes of the Faith from the Old Testament. Each one mentioned is an example of someone who lived their life by faith; however, it is also important to point out that these people were not perfect. We must stop here and acknowledge that God, in His grace, has chosen to use broken and sinful people to accomplish His will. By saying this I am not trying to cloud their witness, but I want to emphasize the grace of God in the lives of those who have faith in God and live by faith. Instead of examining each person, I want to provide a brief overview of what the writer of Hebrews wanted his readers to understand. The list of these Old Testament saints provides us examples of people who trusted God and acted upon that faith. Their works did not bring righteousness; however, their faith in God evidenced itself in works. Verse 6 says that "without faith it is impossible to please Him" meaning a person must approach God in faith believing "that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." This is not a simple belief in the existence of God, but a faith which evidences itself through righteous actions. As you read the names and a brief description of what each person did, remember that they did not have confidence in themselves, but in the power of God. The same must be true for us. If we have faith in God through His Son, Jesus, we will act in accordance to His Word. Is your faith reflected in your actions?
Dear God, help me to demonstrate my faith through my actions because of my trust in You.
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The Way - Day 146 (Philippians 4)The Way - Day 147 (Philemon)The Way - Day 148 (Hebrews 1)The Way - Day 149 (Hebrews 2)The Way - Day 150 (Hebrews 3)The Way - Day 151 (Hebrews 4)The Way - Day 152 (Hebrews 5)The Way - Day 153 (Hebrews 6)The Way - Day 154 (Hebrews 7)The Way - Day 155 (Hebrews 8)The Way - Day 156 (Hebrews 9)The Way - Day 157 (Hebrews 10)The Way - Day 158 (Hebrews 11)The Way - Day 159 (Hebrews 12)The Way - Day 160 (Hebrews 13)The Way - Day 161 (1 Timothy 1)The Way - Day 162 (1 Timothy 2)The Way - Day 163 (1 Timothy 3)The Way - Day 164 (1 Timothy 4)The Way - Day 165 (1 Timothy 5)The Way - Day 166 (1 Timothy 6)The Way - Day 167 (2 Timothy 1)