Bev and Tom send a huge thank you for The Summit’s continued partnership with them. They appreciate hearing from those in our congregation, so always feel free to reach out at They’re so grateful for your support in God’s work in France.
Tom is enjoying the relief of no longer having to commute 1½ hours to Paris daily. After the Olympic outreach, he and Bev took a much-needed 6-day vacation in Normandy. Once back, Tom focused on catching up with mission tasks and responding to emails that had piled up during the busy summer. He has also stepped into a new role on a "Field Leadership Council," where he’ll continue his administrative and logistics work, while also contributing to field decisions. Additionally, he volunteered to handle initial inquiries from people interested in joining ministry in France. His responsibilities with the GEM International Personnel Committee are growing as well, helping Europeans navigate the legal and logistical aspects of joining GEM. And, of course, if his schedule wasn't busy enough, Bev is sure she’ll find a few house projects for him to tackle!
Tom is enjoying the relief of no longer having to commute 1½ hours to Paris daily. After the Olympic outreach, he and Bev took a much-needed 6-day vacation in Normandy. Once back, Tom focused on catching up with mission tasks and responding to emails that had piled up during the busy summer. He has also stepped into a new role on a "Field Leadership Council," where he’ll continue his administrative and logistics work, while also contributing to field decisions. Additionally, he volunteered to handle initial inquiries from people interested in joining ministry in France. His responsibilities with the GEM International Personnel Committee are growing as well, helping Europeans navigate the legal and logistical aspects of joining GEM. And, of course, if his schedule wasn't busy enough, Bev is sure she’ll find a few house projects for him to tackle!

The back-to-school season has been especially busy for Bev, with regular activities resuming. In August, she attended a choir directing workshop that will benefit her leadership of the Soli Deo Gloria outreach choir. This year, the choir is taking a significant step by becoming an official non-profit and preparing to join a regional choral federation in January, with a busy Christmas season already planned. In October, Bev participated in her fourth art exhibit of the year with her Thursday art group, and two of her works were accepted for a local amateur artists show in November. She also continues to make several local visits each week, including meeting with a choir member who is not yet a believer for Bible study. Bev asks for prayer as many of her contacts are facing significant medical, social, and emotional challenges, which can be emotionally taxing.
None of this would be possible without your prayers and financial support, and we are so thankful for you. Thank you again for being a blessing to us!
Please see the below prayer requests:
1. Post Olympic and Paralympic activities, pray with us that the Church in France will not forget the benefits of working together to further His Kingdom.
2. Diane – Pray for Diane, a choir member who is exploring faith in Jesus. She’s facing serious health issues that hinder her participation in the choir and make it difficult for her to focus on Bible study. Diane struggles with accepting salvation as a free gift, as she’s used to being self-sufficient due to past trauma. Pray for her perseverance in her faith journey and healing from her medical challenges.
3. Catherine – Catherine, a widowed woman in her 70s, is grieving the loss of her husband and dealing with significant health issues. She lives in poverty and struggles to navigate the social and medical systems in France. While she attends church, help from the local community has been limited. Pray for her healing, for more support from the church, and for the Bible studies to continue bearing fruit in her life.
4. Involvement in the Arts – Pray for continued opportunities to connect with people in the arts community, including the art group and vocal ensemble the person is involved with. Pray for open doors to engage in spiritual conversations and build meaningful relationships.
5. Outreach Choir – The choir is facing difficulties with attendance due to illness, surgeries, and personal challenges among members. Pray for the choir to regain momentum and be able to prepare adequately for their upcoming Christmas events.
None of this would be possible without your prayers and financial support, and we are so thankful for you. Thank you again for being a blessing to us!
Please see the below prayer requests:
1. Post Olympic and Paralympic activities, pray with us that the Church in France will not forget the benefits of working together to further His Kingdom.
2. Diane – Pray for Diane, a choir member who is exploring faith in Jesus. She’s facing serious health issues that hinder her participation in the choir and make it difficult for her to focus on Bible study. Diane struggles with accepting salvation as a free gift, as she’s used to being self-sufficient due to past trauma. Pray for her perseverance in her faith journey and healing from her medical challenges.
3. Catherine – Catherine, a widowed woman in her 70s, is grieving the loss of her husband and dealing with significant health issues. She lives in poverty and struggles to navigate the social and medical systems in France. While she attends church, help from the local community has been limited. Pray for her healing, for more support from the church, and for the Bible studies to continue bearing fruit in her life.
4. Involvement in the Arts – Pray for continued opportunities to connect with people in the arts community, including the art group and vocal ensemble the person is involved with. Pray for open doors to engage in spiritual conversations and build meaningful relationships.
5. Outreach Choir – The choir is facing difficulties with attendance due to illness, surgeries, and personal challenges among members. Pray for the choir to regain momentum and be able to prepare adequately for their upcoming Christmas events.
The Way - Day 260 (Matthew 28)
September 6th, 2024
The Way - Day 259 (Matthew 27)
September 5th, 2024
The Way - Day 258 (Matthew 26)
September 4th, 2024
The Way - Day 257 (Matthew 25)
September 3rd, 2024
The Way - Day 256 (Matthew 24)
September 2nd, 2024
The Way - Day 255 (Matthew 23)
August 30th, 2024
The Way - Day 254 (Matthew 22)
August 29th, 2024
The Way - Day 253 (Matthew 21)
August 28th, 2024
The Way - Day 252 (Matthew 20)
August 27th, 2024
The Way - Day 251 (Matthew 19)
August 26th, 2024
The Way - Day 250 (Matthew 18)
August 23rd, 2024
The Way - Day 249 (Matthew 17)
August 22nd, 2024
The Way - Day 248 (Matthew 16)
August 21st, 2024
The Way - Day 247 (Matthew 15)
August 20th, 2024
The Way - Day 246 (Matthew 14)
August 19th, 2024
The Way - Day 245 (Matthew 13)
August 16th, 2024
The Way - Day 244 (Matthew 12)
August 15th, 2024
The Way - Day 243 (Matthew 11)
August 14th, 2024
The Way - Day 242 (Matthew 10)
August 13th, 2024
The Way - Day 241 (Matthew 9)
August 12th, 2024
The Way - Day 081 (2 Corinthians 3)The Way - Day 082 (2 Corinthians 4)The Way - Day 083 (2 Corinthians 5)The Way - Day 084 (2 Corinthians 6)The Way - Day 085 (2 Corinthians 7)The Way - Day 086 (2 Corinthians 8)The Way - Day 087 (2 Corinthians 9)The Way - Day 088 (2 Corinthians 10)The Way - Day 089 (2 Corinthians 11)The Way - Day 090 (2 Corinthians 12)The Way - Day 091 (2 Corinthians 13)The Way - Day 092 (Mark 1)The Way - Day 093 (Mark 2)The Way - Day 094 (Mark 3)The Way - Day 095 (Mark 4)The Way - Day 096 (Mark 5)The Way - Day 097 (Mark 6)The Way - Day 098 (Mark 7)The Way - Day 099 (Mark 8)The Way - Day 100 (Mark 9)The Way - Day 101 (Mark 10)The Way - Day 102 (Mark 11)The Way - Day 103 (Mark 12)
The Way - Day 104 (Mark 13)The Way - Day 105 (Mark 14)The Way - Day 106 (Mark 15)The Way - Day 107 (Mark 16)The Way - Day 108 (Romans 1)The Way - Day 109 (Romans 2)The Way - Day 110 (Romans 3)The Way - Day 111 (Romans 4)The Way - Day 112 (Romans 5)The Way - Day 113 (Romans 6)The Way - Day 114 (Romans 7)The Way - Day 115 (Romans 8)The Way - Day 116 (Romans 9)The Way - Day 117 (Romans 10)The Way - Day 118 (Romans 11)The Way - Day 119 (Romans 12)The Way - Day 120 (Romans 13)The Way - Day 121 (Romans 14)The Way - Day 122 (Romans 15)The Way - Day 123 (Romans 16)The Way - Day 124 (Acts 20)
The Way - Day 125 (Acts 21)The Way - Day 126 (Acts 22)The Way - Day 127 (Acts 23)The Way - Day 128 (Acts 24)The Way - Day 129 (Acts 25)The Way - Day 130 (Acts 26)The Way - Day 131 (Acts 27)The Way - Day 132 (Acts 28)The Way - Day 133 (Colossians 1)The Way - Day 134 (Colossians 2)The Way - Day 135 (Colossians 3)The Way - Day 136 (Colossians 4)The Way - Day 137 (Ephesians 1)The Way - Day 138 (Ephesians 2)The Way - Day 139 (Ephesians 3)The Way - Day 140 (Ephesians 4)The Way - Day 141 (Ephesians 5)The Way - Day 142 (Ephesians 6)The Way - Day 143 (Philippians 1)The Way - Day 144 (Philippians 2)The Way - Day 145 (Philippians 3)
The Way - Day 146 (Philippians 4)The Way - Day 147 (Philemon)The Way - Day 148 (Hebrews 1)The Way - Day 149 (Hebrews 2)The Way - Day 150 (Hebrews 3)The Way - Day 151 (Hebrews 4)The Way - Day 152 (Hebrews 5)The Way - Day 153 (Hebrews 6)The Way - Day 154 (Hebrews 7)The Way - Day 155 (Hebrews 8)The Way - Day 156 (Hebrews 9)The Way - Day 157 (Hebrews 10)The Way - Day 158 (Hebrews 11)The Way - Day 159 (Hebrews 12)The Way - Day 160 (Hebrews 13)The Way - Day 161 (1 Timothy 1)The Way - Day 162 (1 Timothy 2)The Way - Day 163 (1 Timothy 3)The Way - Day 164 (1 Timothy 4)The Way - Day 165 (1 Timothy 5)The Way - Day 166 (1 Timothy 6)The Way - Day 167 (2 Timothy 1)