Missions Minute - Justin and Jenny Burkholder (October 17, 2024)

Justin and Jenny Burkholder have been serving the people of Guatemala for 11 years. They live there along with their three children. Justin has been partnering with the organization TEAM. TEAM stands for The Evangelical Alliance Mission which exists to partner with the global Church in sending disciples who will lead and establish missional churches. He has most recently been the Head Pastor of the Iglesia Reforma in Guatemala City.

This past summer they held their church’s 9th year anniversary. For this special occasion they were able to rent a hotel conference area which allowed them to unite their church family in one combined setting instead of their typical three services. They had over 1,000 people in attendance for this special gathering.

Justin has had a lifelong connection with Latin America. He grew up in a missionary family that was based in Mexico City. This part of the world has shown to be where God has had a plan to use Justin and his family as he has planted other churches in this region as well. Recently TEAM has chosen Justin as their new International Director
Their prayer requests include prayer for strength to lead and disciple others, for other leaders to step up to serve in the church and perseverance in their faith as they raise their family.
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