Missions Minute - Dave and Jen Cox (October 3, 2024)

Dave and Jen Cox are missionaries serving in Bucharest, Romania. Although Bucharest is their home base, they serve as "missionaries to other missionaries" by providing support, care, and encouragement to around 70 missionaries on 11 care teams across Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa.
The Coxes with Prague Team
Dave and Jen will spend the next two weeks providing member care for fellow missionaries in Hungary and Slovakia. Pray for the Coxes as they seek to encourage, equip, and exhort their fellow missionaries in their ministries and personal lives. Also pray for an end to war in Ukraine and the Middle East. Dave and Jen work with teams living in conflict zones who are seeking to love, serve, and make Christ known. Pray that God will use the Coxes to minister to these teams.
The Coxes with Romanian Church Family
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