Missions Minute - Akron Youth Mentorship (August 2024)

Tom Roberts serves on the Board of Directors for the Akron Youth Mentorship program who serve the greater Akron area's at-risk youth. Summer programming is wrapping up after a busy couple months filled with outreach and mentorship. From June 16-21, the 3rd-5th grade mentees attended a camp with staff and mentors, engaging in various activities such as water games, swimming, and learning about Jesus. The week included both large and small group activities, with Program Director Justice Furno as the camp speaker, focusing on the theme of being "All In" for Jesus.
Currently, Tom and the rest of the team are starting to dive into their school year programming and mentorship programs to support the Akron youth academically and personally. The current prayer requests for Tom and his teammates include the provision for mentors & volunteers to help facilitate supportive environments for their students as well as God continuing to sustain their spirits as they tackle real world issues with their youth.

If God is prompting you to partner with Akron Youth Mentorship, visit their website to connect directly to their team. Tom also attends our church, so don't hesitate to connect with him to find out more.
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