The Way - Day 175 (1 Peter 2)

Daily Reading:
1 Peter 2
Don't forget to journal in your Foundations Book!
Daily Reading Audio Commentary:
Today's Question or Action Step:
Read verses 15-17 aloud. This is one of the places in scripture where God's will for us is directly stated. What is it? Which aspect of God's will (from this list) is most challenging for you on a daily basis?
Weekly Memory Verse(s):
OPTION 1: Psalm 82:3-4
OPTION 2: Proverbs 21:1
OPTION 3: Matthew 6:27-28
Further Study Resources:
Study Guide for 1 Peter 2 (Enduring Word - David Guzik)
Pastor Tom's Journal on Today's Reading:
1 Peter 1:22-2:3
With his readers possibly under intense persecution, Peter writes in order to comfort them and challenge them not to quit. Instead of dwelling on their current circumstances, Peter encouraged them to look forward to the time of Christ's return and in the meantime live consistent, holy lives before all people. In the previous few verses (1:18-21) Peter had reminded his readers about the redemption which had taken place through the shed blood of Jesus Christ on the cross. Jesus' act of taking the punishment for our sin resulted in salvation from the bondage of sin and eternal life spent in the presence of God. But again, what else could help them cope with adversity but also drive them to spiritual growth? In the verses we are examining today, Peter reveals another factor in enduring hardship while sustaining a holy life -the word of God. The Holy Spirit has been given to all those who have faith in Jesus Christ's sufficient sacrifice for sin, but this knowledge came through God's written word. So the Holy Spirit of God together with the word of God has the ability to bring spiritual life to the believer. What is even more amazing about this fact is that the word of God "lives and abides forever" (1:23). This means that Scripture is a stable, unchanging, and permanent force which guides us to follow the ways of God. Quoting from Isaiah 40:6-8 Peter reminds the reader that "the grass withers, and the flower falls away, but the word of the Lord endures forever" (1:25). Spiritual growth takes place when an individual puts away sin (2:1) and feeds on the word of God (2:2). So the question needs to be asked, "Can spiritual growth take place outside of spending time getting to know and understand God's Word?" I believe the answer in "no." Our hearts and minds are being filled each day with the knowledge of that which is earthly and carnal; however, we must seek to combat the world's philosophies by filling our mind with the unchanging word of God. These words carry life because they are the very words of God. Peter gives some very simple advice for believers - put away sin and desire the word of God "that you may grow" (1:2).

1 Peter 2:4-10
Peter has already used the subject of life throughout his letter to refer to Jesus. He called him the living hope (1:3), the living word (1:23), and now he calls him the living stone (2:4). Using a stone to explain Jesus is unique because this particular stone is living and gives life to others. The illustration of a stone seems to indicate a foundation which is found in Him, giving life to those who are dead in sin. Now those who have faith in Jesus Christ become living stones which are "being built up [as] a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices [good works] acceptable to God through Jesus Christ" (2:5). Through Jesus we have received life and are now living out the life He has given us before the world around us. Peter then turns his attention to the Old Testament where he cites several scriptures as proof that Jesus Christ is the foundational stone and will save those who believe in Him or destroy those who reject him (2:6-8). Peter then directly addresses his readers with some powerful words about their life in Christ: "you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; who once were not a people but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy" (2:9-10). I would challenge you to go back and read that again. What a wonderful thought that we are God's people and He has chosen us to declare His glory to all people. Peter knew these people were experiencing trials, but He wanted them to trust in Jesus Christ, the Living Stone, who had chosen them to be His people and entrusted them with sharing His goodness and mercy.

1 Peter 2:11-3:7
Peter takes a large portion of his letter to address proper behavior in order to be an example to the unbelieving. In this section Peter specifically focuses on the subject of relationships in several areas: relationship with the world (2:11-12), relationship with government (2:13-17), relationship with your employer (2:18-25), and the relationship between husbands and wives (3:1-7). In essence, Peter was saying that a person's relationships in these areas will either help or hinder an individuals witness before others. First, let's look into our relationship with the world. Peter does remind them that the world is a temporary home for those who have faith in Christ. He calls them "sojourners and pilgrims" (2:11). The instruction is very simple here - practice good behavior so the unbelieving will see your life and their attention will be turned to God's life changing power (2:12). Secondly, Peter commands his readers to "submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake...for this is the will of God, that by doing good you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men..." (2:13-15). Submitting to government carries the idea of willingly placing yourself under their authority. Although government does not always make the right decisions, Christians have a responsibility to obey the authority placed over us. Next, Peter examines the relationship between and employee and his or her employer. In a day when people complain about their boss and slack off at the workplace, Peter challenges followers of Christ to act differently. Whether a boss is good or bad, Peter advises the Christian to endure it and remember the suffering Jesus Christ experienced, even though he was innocent. Fairness is not always characteristic in the workplace so a believer should be prepared to be treated wrongly. Instead of rebelling against your employer, have faith that God will provide the grace which will sustain you through trying times. The last relationship about which Peter writes is the connection between a man and wife. It seems in keeping with the other relationships Peter has addressed, the husband in this marriage is not a follower of Christ (3:1). The wife is commanded to be submissive (willingly place herself under the authority of the man) and remember that "without a word" the husband "may be won by the conduct of their wives when they observe your chaste [purity] conduct accompanied by fear [of God]" (3:2). Peter then urges the wives not to just give attention to the outward appearance, but also the attitude of the heart, which is true beauty (3:3-6). In no way is Peter saying that the husband is superior to or more valuable than the wife, but he is reminding them that God has placed man as the authority over the home. This is God's design. However, Peter quickly turns to the Christian husbands and gives them some important instruction about his relationship with his wife. "Husbands...dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel...that your prayers may not be hindered" (3:7). Although the husband is not called to submit to the authority of his wife, he is commanded to submit himself to her needs and feelings. A husband must make it a priority to understand his wife. When Peter refers to the wife as a "weaker vessel" he is not implying she is less important, but that she is in need of her husband's protection. All of the relationship Peter has mentioned are imperative for the believer to conduct with holiness and submission. The way a follower of Christ handles their relationships has a direct influence on how others view God. How are your relationships?

Dear God, help me to conduct my relationships in a way which would draw people's attention to Your goodness, grace, and mercy.




