Action Steps to Serving Others
The Summit Church could not do what we do without faithful volunteers. We're thankful that approximately 80% of regular attenders volunteer at least once a month, which means we can accomplish more. If you're looking for a place to get involved, you've come to the right place. If you need some help finding how God has gifted you, to serve, Take the Spiritual Gift Assessment and Learn About Your Gifts.
Our goal is that people would be serving within the first 3-6 months of attending. If you've been around for a while, jump in and begin serving! Check out all the places to serve!
Food Pantry
The North Canton Cares Pantry is driven by a single goal - to do our part in helping provide food to individuals and families. They strive to build relationships guests and serve them well. Find more info about the pantry here.
Love Your Neighbor
"We gather to scatter." Loving by serving begins in the church but should be carried outside the church into your neighborhood, school, college, workplace, family, and friends.