What to Expect/FAQ's

Four Things to Expect From D-Groups...

These groups are committed to helping each other grow in their knowledge and love for the Lord. This may be accomplished through reading a specific part of the Bible together, or an approved book that aims to align our daily lives with the ways of the Lord. Each group will be expected to be prepared for meetings by reading and studying their assignments.
There are two types of D-Groups: 1) Men's or Women's, and 2) Married Couples. Men's and Women's D-Groups consist of 3-4 individuals that may come from different seasons and times of life. Married Couple D-Groups will consist of 3-4 couples who may also come from distinct backgrounds and seasons of life. The goal is to form a relationships with each other, even with people you don't know well yet. We believe it is helpful for people from different seasons of life to learn from each other. And because we are unified in Christ, we believe in the church body seeing past age and functioning as one. As you fellowship around the Scriptures, the Holy Spirit will help you grow in relationship with one another.
Making prayer part of a D-Group will show that individuals and couples are bringing their praises and requests to one another. This will build honesty and trust within the group, while showing that all are dependent on the Lord for daily life. 
When individuals and couples spend several months together, struggles and needs will almost always present themselves during this period of time. D-Groups should be committed to support each other by building awareness and having an eye for how they can best care for each other. This may occur through circumstances such as job transition, death of a loved one, birth or parenting issues, health problems, spiritual struggles, relationship trials, and many other things. 


What will D-groups be like?

D-Groups will regularly gather in a coffee shop, home, the church, or anywhere the group agrees upon. The goal is for the group to commit to meeting around 90 minutes where they will enjoy conversation about life, discuss their Bible study, spend some time sharing prayer requests/praises, and talk about any hardships individuals are facing. Although there doesn't need to be a minute by minute schedule for these groups, they should be intentional about using the time to accomplish the purposes set forth.

When do D-Groups meet?

Each group will determine the frequency, day, and time that they can consistently meet together. The group should look for a time that is fairly consistent, but is also flexible for any unexpected schedule conflicts that arise. The group should work together and communicate frequently to stay connected.

Who should attend D-Groups?

Any man, woman, or couple who is interested in studying God's Word with a smaller group of people, and is open to forming new friendships with people in our church family.

What should I bring?

  • Bible, and any book or study material
  • Pen/Pencil (for notes and writing down prayer requests/praises of others)

Will there be childcare?

Childcare, if needed, will be the responsibility of the group to arrange.

Where will D-Groups meet?

This is left up to the discretion of the group.