We realize that the term Bible study is somewhat ambiguous, meaning something a little different to each person who hears it. With that being the case, allow us to define what a Bible study is at The Summit. In a sentence, our Bible studies are focused meditation on a particular section of Scripture for a semester within a committed community of believers.
Three Areas of Focus for Bible Studies...
While many questions can be explored within the context of our personal time in the Word, the question we seek most to answer will determine the focal point of our study. We equip you with the tools to dive into Scripture on your own, keeping this question at the heart of your study: “What is God trying to teach me about Himself?”. This makes God the focal point rather than our own lives. From this vantage point, we are then naturally led to the question, “How should that change me?”
While many questions can be explored within the context of our personal time in the Word, the question we seek most to answer will determine the focal point of our study. We equip you with the tools to dive into Scripture on your own, keeping this question at the heart of your study: “What is God trying to teach me about Himself?”. This makes God the focal point rather than our own lives. From this vantage point, we are then naturally led to the question, “How should that change me?”
In a society with so many voices of influence readily accessible, it can be difficult to discern the voice of The Spirit from others around us. To help us learn to listen to The Spirit’s voice, our table discussions flow out of what the Spirit has already revealed to you during your private study time prior to meeting together. In fact, there will only be about 20-30 minutes of upfront teaching in each session. This is because we want the bulk of the time to be spent in guided discussion with your table groups of 4-8 men or women sharing together from their personal study time.
In a society with so many voices of influence readily accessible, it can be difficult to discern the voice of The Spirit from others around us. To help us learn to listen to The Spirit’s voice, our table discussions flow out of what the Spirit has already revealed to you during your private study time prior to meeting together. In fact, there will only be about 20-30 minutes of upfront teaching in each session. This is because we want the bulk of the time to be spent in guided discussion with your table groups of 4-8 men or women sharing together from their personal study time.
Often, when seeking to join a group, we naturally gravitate toward people who look like us. While there’s nothing inherently wrong with this tendency, it can prevent us from experiencing the full beauty of God's plan for His church. Our Bible studies bring together a diverse group of people, seasoned and young, to learn from each other and develop mentorships. Though it may feel backward, we believe that if we make the Scriptures our focus of these studies, the social aspect will take care of itself among us.
Often, when seeking to join a group, we naturally gravitate toward people who look like us. While there’s nothing inherently wrong with this tendency, it can prevent us from experiencing the full beauty of God's plan for His church. Our Bible studies bring together a diverse group of people, seasoned and young, to learn from each other and develop mentorships. Though it may feel backward, we believe that if we make the Scriptures our focus of these studies, the social aspect will take care of itself among us.

What will the sessions be like?
Every Bible Study will begin with table discussion questions from your personal study that you complete at home. Then, there will be a time of teaching from one of the Bible study leaders. Every session will end with a time of prayer at your table. You will sit with the same group of people each night of Bible study to form connections with a variety of people from the church. Here's a SNEAK PEAK of our Bible Study Workbook!
When do the sessions meet?
Men's Bible Study- Every other Thursday from 6:30-8:00pm
The 9 session dates are: January 30, February 13, February 27, March 13, March 27, April 10, April 24, May 8, and May 22
Women's Bible Study- Every other Thursday from 6:30-8:00pm
The 9 session dates are: January 23, February 6, February 20, March 6, March 20, April 3, April 17, May 1, and May 15
The 9 session dates are: January 30, February 13, February 27, March 13, March 27, April 10, April 24, May 8, and May 22
Women's Bible Study- Every other Thursday from 6:30-8:00pm
The 9 session dates are: January 23, February 6, February 20, March 6, March 20, April 3, April 17, May 1, and May 15
Who should attend?
Any man or woman who is interested in studying God's Word with a group of people to walk alongside of you!
What should I bring?
In the registration link, there is a list of supplies needed for the Bible Study. Please bring these supplies to all sessions!
Will there be childcare?
Childcare will not be available.
Where will we meet?
In the elementary room.