The Summit Church
Mission Trip Application (Tralee, Ireland)
August 11-18, 2025

Completion of this application does not automatically place you on the mission trip team. We have several considerations in forming the team.
Trip Details
Missionaries: Josh and Denise Steward
Dates: August 11-18, 2025
Cost: $2,200-$2,500 (cost is approximate, at this time)
Objective: Representing Tralee Bible Fellowship by having conversations and inviting people to church during the Rose of Tralee Festival. This will include training on how to use material to pass out, but also how to carry on a conversation with a stranger. Our actions will continue to get the word out about Tralee Bible Fellowship in the community. Although you'll have the opportunity for gospel conversations, you also need to be willing to listen and even remain positive if people don't respond well to what you're saying.
Requirements: Willingness to speak with people and interact about faith/church; ability to place yourself in uncomfortable conversations and remain dependent on the Holy Spirit to work in a person's heart, regardless of a person's response.
Group Size: Maximum of 16 people (including trip leaders)
Application Due: March 1, 2025
Eligibility Requirements
  • Attend team meetings prior to the trip, unless emergency (dates released after team formed)
  • Be able to plan creative ways to raise money for your trip. Please prayerfully consider whether you are able to afford this trip. We realize that it may be difficult for some, and we would not want you to put yourself in debt to pay for your trip. 
  • Willingness to work hard, pray, and work as a team with others
  • Must be a current member of The Summit Church
  • Must be 20 years old or older
  • Proper identification to travel internationally (valid passport)

Tentative Schedule (don't forget that time difference is 5 hours ahead of us)
8/11 - Travel
8/12 - Travel and Sightseeing
8/13-8/16 - Training and City Center Ministry
8/17 - Church Ministry
8/18 - Return Travel

Information Packet
Please review the information packet (link below) sent to us by the Stewards
Ireland Info Packet

Personal Info
*Names should be EXACTLY as it appears on your passport (this is required for airline ticketing)*
Emergency Contact
Spiritual Info

Travel Experience, Health, and Background Info

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